PROJECT "Sensor systems for secure Operation of Critical Installations - SOCI " - contract No. 8/2012
Project title: Sensor systems for secure Operation of Critical Installations
Acronym: SOCI
Coordinating institution: National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics – INFLPR, Magurele, 409.Atomistilor St, Ilfov, code 077125 , phone 0040 21 457 44 89 , fax 0040 21 457 42 43, represented by General Manager: Dr. Ion Morjan and Chief Accountant: Ec.Mihaela OSMAN
Consortium partners:
Coordinator: National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics - INFLPR
Partner 1: “Horia Hulubei” National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering
Partener 2: S.C. Apel Laser S.R.L
Funding authority: Romanian Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)
Project duration: 2012 - 2016
Project budget: 2.729.889 lei public funding, 222.999 lei
Presentation of the project:
The philosophy of project "Sensor systems for secure Operation of Critical Installations - SOCI" approach can be described as follows:
- previous experience in national and international programs involving institutions forming the consortium;
- bilateral collaborations of the project coordinator in the frame of European project COST Action TD1001 "Novel and Reliable Optical Fibre Sensor Systems for Future Security and Safety Applications - OFSESA", collaborations focused on the complex problems associated with continuous and remote monitoring, under major disturbance (temperature, electromagnetic fields, ionizing radiation) of systems whose function is critical;
- new upgraded facilities, owned by partners or Romanian collaborators ( IFIN -HH, Pitesti );
- the complementary expertise offered by collaborating with external partners:
- University of Limerick (Ireland);
- University of Palermo (Italy);
- Institute of Photonic Technology din Jena (Germany);
- National Radioactive Waste Management Agency – ANDRA (France);
- Aston Univesity (UK);
- iXFIber (France);
- European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (France);
- University of Naples "Parthenope" (Italy).
- University of New South Wales (Australia);
- Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing - BAM (Germany)
- Laser Institute of Shandong Academy of Sciences (China)
- Universidad Publica de Navarra (Spain)
- School of Communication and Information Engineering, Shanghai University (China)
- Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus)
- University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, (China)
- Center for Information Geoscience, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu (China)
- Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Beijing (China)
- Shenzhen University (China)
- Harbin Engineering Universit (China)
- Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Australia)
Shanghai University (China)
- In this context, the project included innovative solutions in terms of dual behavior of fiber optic fibers under the action of irradiation, behavior to be studied in the projecti:
- radiation tolerance of optical fibers, optical fibers capability to operate under different radiation fields;
- adiation sensitivity of optical fibers, their ability to act as radiation sensors;
Project objectives:
- Design and development of an experimental model for distributed, on-line monitoring of the operating conditions associated with radioactive waste repositories;
- Designing an experimental model for in-situ monitoring of temperature distribution in nuclear installations;
- Design and development of a distributed system/ a method of assessment of losses / a profile of charged particles using optical fiber sensors;
- Evaluation of the radiation tolerance of optical fibers to be used in monitoring distributed parameters under different irradiations (gamma rays and x-rays, electrons / neutrons);
- Evaluation of new optical materials (nano-structured glass, sapphire fibers, optical fiber doped) and passive components for fiber optic systems, for use in monitoring / dosimetry of ionizing radiation;
- Design and development of radiation sensors based on such materials.
Expected results:
- publications in referred journals;
- patent applications;
- experimental models and procedures for monitoring the operating conditions associated with nuclear waste landfills, monitoring the temperature distribution in nuclear installations;
- on- line evaluation of optical fibers and optical fiber sensors, passive components for fiber optic systems exposed to different types of irradiation (gamma radiation, x-ray, electron beam, protons, alpha particles , neutrons
Obtained results:
Public funding : 866.813 lei
Co-financing : 15.350 lei
- A detailed documentary study was conducted on similar achievements of research groups in the areas of interest for the project
- materials used in the detection of ionizing radiation;
- radiation resistant optical fibers;
- intrinsic and extrinsic sensors with optical fibers.
- It has been established a method for referential use of materials investigated for the detection of radiation.
- Technologies have been developed for the use of materials used in radiation detection and irradiation tests were carried out x-ray and electron beams on extrinsic or intrinsic optical fiber sensors, made in collaboration with foreign partners.
- Manufacturers have been identified and have been developed procurement procedures of equipment and materials needed for the project..
- Were established technical possibilities available to the partner P1 after its modernization of facilities for use in subsequent project phases.
- Aspects of European cooperation included the submission of two proposals for research (FP7 ):
- a research project on the development of specialized sensors for radiation dosimetry during cancer treatment. INFLPR is a partner in the project assigned to X and gamma radiation testing of special sensors developed under the project (coordinator Limerik University , a partner in the COST TD1001.
- Training of young researchers ("Marie Curie" fellowships) for the development and testing fiber optic Bragg gratings in plastic optical fibers. INFLPR associate partner in the project is assisting the project with irradiation testing of these sensors (coordinator Aston University, a partner in the COST TD1001).
- The investigations were focused on the study of optical fiber sensors intrinsic and extrinsic:
- sensors based on the phenomenon of luminescence;
- radiation resistant optical fibers used in making the detection sensors distributed Raman scattering and Brillouin optical raditiei;
- optical fiber sensors grating classical Bragg;
- distributed fiber optic sensors "long period gratings".
Public funding : 447.475 lei
Co-financing : 59.668 lei
- 42 samples of nanostructured glasses were irradiated in order to experiment the behavior of materials used in radiation detection (through studies on the formation of color centers and luminescence signal generation) by alpha-particle irradiation at Cyclotron (collaboration between CO and P1) . Irradiation conditions were smooth between 10^12 and 10^16 W / cm^2 . Studies after irradiation of the samples were performed at the University of Palermo , Italy.
- 42 samples of crystalline and nanostructured doped glasses were irradiated in order to experiment the behavior of materials used in radiation detection (through studies on the formation of color centers and luminescence signal generation) by irradiation with deuterons from the cyclotron (CO and P1). Irradiation conditions were: fluence: 9x10^13 ions/cm^2, 1.8x10^14 ioni/cm^2, 9x10^14 ions/cm^2 , 1.8x10^16 ions/cm^2.
- Further investigations were done regarding the responsivity to X-ray of the extrinsic optical fiber sensors, made at the University of Limerick.
- Investigations on extrinsic optical fiber sensors submitted to X-ray fluorescence and the radioluminescence response were carried out in cooperation with partner P1.
- With the expertise assistance from LUNA Technologies (U.S.) a set up was made for the online measurements during irradiation of the “long period gratings” sensors using optical frequency domain reflectometry (collaboration with ANDRA - National Radioactive Waste Management Agency , France ).
- Considering the consultancy from National Instruments (USA) and Micron Optics (USA), the partner P2, in collaboration with CO using the LabVIEW environment, created software for data acquisition and calibration of commercial Bragg sensors composed by optical fibers resistant to radiation (collaboration with Institute of Phootonic Technology – IPHT Jena).
- An experimental model was developed that allows the profile evaluation of a beam of charged particles using optical fiber sensors.
- The participation of young researchers to the project "Sensor systems for secure Operation of Critical Installations - SOCI":
- Dr. Laura Mihai was invited to present the results of her contribution to the project to Female researcher's night, Padova , Italy ( COST Action TD 1001).
- Research Assistant (RA) Andrei Stancalie received the third prize of the SPIE Student Chapter for a paper reporting the results of research conducted in the project.
- Dr. Laura Mihai and RA Andrei Stancalie received scholarships to attend the 7th International Summer School “New Frontiers in Optical Technologies" organized by the Optoelectronics Research Centre, Tampere University of Technology, Finland in August 2013, where they presented a poster with the results of the investigations carried out in the project .
- Andrei STANCALIE (research assistant), PhD student at the Politehnica University of Bucharest in the field of Physics is working for his doctoral studies in a related topic project theme : "Characterization of optical fiber sensors" .
- Dan Sporea
Sporea coordinates at national level the COST Action TD1101 "Novel and Reliable Optical Fibre Sensor Systems for Future Security and Safety Applications".
- Cooperation in the frame of the project with universities and research institutions in Europe . The project team cooperates with: University of Palermo , Aston University , French Agency for Nuclear Waste Management, Institute of Photonic Technology Jena , University of Limerick.
- Dan Sporea
was nominated as member of the Supervisory Board for the project FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network - TRIPOD. In the frame of the project coordinated by Aston University , INFLPR will perform for the first time the testing of the behavior of Bragg sensors made ??in plastic optical fibers, during irradiation with different ionizing radiation.
The opinion of an American researcher regarding our studies, researcher affiliated to a national laboratory belonging to the USA Departmetnt of Energy, researcher interested into the use of photnic sensors in nuclea power pants: "That sounds like very important work and definitely interesting to us. Do you plan to publish your results or will your reports be internal?" (July 10, 2013)
Public funding : 493.989 lei
Co-financing : 34.867 lei
- On-line tests were carried on the profile of the electron beams.
- On-line tests were carried on the gamma ray effects on LPG, FBG, DTG by wavelength multiplexing, using the Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry (OFDR)..
- Off-line tests were carried on X-ray effects on optical fibers.
- Design of an experimental model for alpha particle irradiations.
- For the first time optical fibers were tested under synchrotron radiation at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble.
- Dan Sporea
coordinates at national level the COST Action BMBS TD1205 “Innovative methods in radiotherapy and radiosurgery using synchrotron radiation”.
- One young researcher (PhD student Andrei Stancalie) received a grant from the COST Action TD1001 for one month stage in research at the Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery ; Polish Academy of Sciences; Gdansk , Poland , where he will study the Bragg sensors with optical fibers for the characterization of the mechanical stress in composite materials.
- One young researcher (dr. Laura Mihai) received a grant from COST Action TD1205 for the participation at COST SYRA3 First Training School “ Radiation Therapy with Synchrotron Radiation ” at ESRF Grenoble, 18 - 21 May 2014. She presented a paper on the subject of the use of optical fiber sensors in the radiation dosimetry.
- One young researcher (PhD student Andrei Stancalie) participated at the training course “Micron Optics Partner Training in Europe ”, 17-19 June 2014, ( ) where he presented our research group results concerning the use of FBG sensors for the electron beam monitoring.
- Dan Sporea
presented the equipment and the expertise in the field at the meeting of the Working Group 5 “Security, Metrology and Sensors” of the European Platform “Photonics 21”, European Commission, Brussels, 6 June 2014, meeting aimed to setup the focus of “ Horizon 2020” next calls.
- Dan Sporea
presented the equipment and the expertise in the field at the meeting of the Working Group 6 “Design and Manufacturing of Components and Systems”, of the European Platform “Photonics 21”, Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Berlin, 1 July 2014.
- Dan Sporea was invited to review papers for the following journals: Applied Optics; Indian Journal of Physics; Optics Letters; Journal of the American Ceramic Society; Sensors and Actuators A: Physica; Medical Physics, Optics Express.
- One young researcher (PhD student Andrei Stancalie) received a grant from the COST Action TD1001 to participate to the Summer School "Optical fiber sensors: from research to real world", September 1-3, 2014, Chandolin, Switzerland
- The Laboratory of laser metrology took part to the "Ocean Optics World Cup of Applications" competition with the contribution "Characterization of X-ray Detector Operating Parameters" illustrating the way Ocean Optics spectrometers were used in the frame of the present project. More information can be found at:
The paper "Electron beam profile instrument based on FBGs", published in Sensors (Basel) 2014, is mentioned on Micron Optics blog ( ), as an unusual application of optical fiber FGB sensors.
Public funding : 218.338 lei
Co-financing : 23.208 lei
- In cooperation with a team from
the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (GRENOBLE) were run off-line tests on the use of UV optical fibers for dosimetry of
synchrotron radiation.
- For the first time were investigated irradiated optical fibers using THz imaging and spectroscopy.
- D. Sporea was invited
to attend the annual meeting of the European project TRIPOD as member of the Supervisory Board, and presented a paper concerning the expertise of the Laser Metrology and Standardization Laboratory in the field of interest for the project
- One young researcher (PhD student Andrei Stancalie) spent one month at the University of Padova performing investigation on the use of optical fiber sensors
type FBGs in hydrostatic pressure measurement and distributed strain measurement in composite materials.
- In the frame of cooperation with University of New South Wales were tested under gamma irradiation doped optical fibers used in optical amplifiers.
- In the frame of cooperation with Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing - BAM were tested under gamma irradiation doped optical fibers, communication optical fibers and radiation hardened optical fibers.
- In the frame of cooperation with Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing - BAM were tested under gamma irradiation plastic ( PMMA) optical fibers.
- D. Sporea was invited to chair a section of the insternational conference "Lasers, Optics & Photonics 2015", Valencia, September 1-3, 2015

- D. Sporea had an oral presentation on the project results and perspective for caollaboration at the annual meeting of the COST Action MP1401: Advanced fibre laser and coherent source as tools for society, manufacturing and lifescience, Dresden, October 12-13, 2015.
The paper "Investigation of UV optical fibers under synchrotron irradiation", published in Optics Express 2014, is mentioned onTeraView blog ( ) as an unusual application of THz spectroscopy and imaging.
Public funding : 703.274 lei
Co-financing : 89.906 lei
1. We continued our work on the usage of optical fiber sensors for the evaluation of concrete containers for nuclear waste storage.
2. In the frame of our cooperation with the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing – BAM were run investigations concerning the use of optical fiber sensors for distributed monitoring of radiation fields.
3. In the frame of our cooperation with the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing – BAM were run investigations on the use of plastic optical fibers for radiation dosimetry.
4. In the frame of our cooperation with Parthenope University of Naples were developed optical fiber sensors (long period gratings) using both commercial communication optical fibers and radiation hardened optical fibers. These sensors were tested on-line under gamma irradiation.
5. In the frame of our cooperation with University of New South Wales, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Shanghai University were tested for the first time under gamma irradiation Bi/Er/Yb and Bi/Er co-doped optical fibers.
6. In the frame of our cooperation with Universidad Pública de Navarra were tested under gamma irradiation doped optical fibers used in fiber lasers.
7. A young researcher (dr. Laura Mihai) was accepted to the "International Training School on Fiber Lasers & Optical Fiber Technology:, Prague, August 29 – September 2 2016.
8. For the first time different types of optical fibers and LPGs were irradiated by neutron at a research nuclear reactor, the measurements were done on-line.
9. Best poster award, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2018, for "Ionising Radiation Induced Effects on Bismuth/Erbium Co-Doped Optical Fibres', authors:
Y. Luo, G. Xiao, Q. Zhao, A. Stancalie, D. Ighigeanu, D. Negut, D. Sporea, B. Yan, X. Sang,
J. He, J. Wen, G-D. Peng.
Publications and conferece papers
- S. Delepine-Lesoille, X. Pheron, J. Bertrand, G. Pilorget, G. Hermand, R. Farhoud, Y. Ouerdane, A. Boukenter, S. Girard, L. Lablonde, D. Sporea , si V. Lanticq, "Industrial qualification process for optical fibers distributed strain and temperature sensing in nuclear waste repositories," J. Sensors, vol. 2012, Article ID 369375, doi:10.1155/2012/369375,
- D. McCarthy, S.O'Keeffe, E. Lewis, D. Sporea, A. Sporea, I. Tiseanu, "Radiation dosimeter using an extrinsic fibre optic sensor,"
IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.:14 Issue:3, 2013, pp. 673 – 685, .
- McCarthy, D., O'Keeffe, S. ;
Lewis, E. ;
Sporea, D. ;
Sporea, A. ;
Tiseanu, I. ;
Woulfe, P. ;
Cronin, J., "Optical fibre radiation dosimeter for radiotherapy applications," Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Sensors, DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2012.6411245, Taipei, 28-31 Oct. 2012,
- D. Sporea, A. Sporea, C. Oproiu, "Comparative study on the degradation of UV optical fibers subjected to electron beam and gamma ray irradiation," Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 19, Issue 6, Part A, December 2013, pp. 652–65,
- D. Sporea, L. Mihai, I. Tiseanu, I. Vâta, D. McCarthy, S.O'Keeffe, E. Lewis,
"Multidisciplinary evaluation of X-ray optical fiber sensors,"
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 213, 1 July 2014, pp. 79–88, .
- D. Sporea, L. Mihai, I. Vâta, D. McCarthy, S. O'Keeffe, E. Lewis, "Characterization of scintillating X-ray optical fiber sensors," Sensors 2014, 14(2), 3445-3457; doi:10.3390/s140203445, Date statistice privind numarul de accesari al articolului.
- A. Alessi, S. Agnello, G. Buscarino, M. Cannas, F. M. Gelardi, A. Sporea, D. Sporea, I. Vâta, "Alpha and deuteron irradiation effects on silica nanoparticles," J. Materials Science, (2014) 49: 6475–6484, doi: 10.1007/s10853-014-8381-2,
- D. Sporea, A. Stancalie, N. Becherescu, M. Becker, M. Rothhardt, "An electron beam profile instrument based on FBGs," Sensors (Basel) 2014, 14(9), 15786-15801; doi:10.3390/s140915786,
- D. Sporea, A. Stancalie, D. Negut, G. Pilorget, S. Delepine-Lesoille, L. Lablonde, "On-line tests of an optical fiber long-period grating subjected to gamma irradiation," in Proc. Photonics Conference, 2014 Third Mediterranean, pp. 1 - 3, 7-9 May 2014, Trani, Italy, doi: 10.1109/MePhoCo.2014.6866486, Matched= null&userType=inst.
- D. Sporea, A. Stancalie, D. Negut, G. Pilorget, S. Delepine-Lesoille, L. Lablonde, "On-line tests of an optical fiber long-period grating subjected to gamma irradiation," IEEE Photonics J.,
vol. 6, Issue: 6, pp. 1-9, 2014, doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2014.2337877,
- D. Sporea, L. Mihai, A. Sporea, A. Lixandru, E. Bräuer-Krisch, "Investigation of UV optical fibers under synchrotron irradiation," Optics Express, vol. 22, Iss. 25, pp. 31473–31485 (2014),
- J.-F. Adam, D. Sporea, et al., "Medical Physics aspects of the Synchrotron Radiation Therapies: Microbeam Radiation Therapy (MRT) and Synchrotron Stereotactic RadioTherapy (SSRT)," Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics, June 2015, doi:,
- S. O'Keeffe, D. McCarthy, P. Woulfe, M.W. Grattan, A.R. Hounsell, D. Sporea, L. Mihai, I. Vata, G. Leen, E. Lewis, "A review of recent advances in optical fibre sensors for in-vivo dosimetry during radiotherapy", British J. Radiology, 2015, Mar. 11, doi:,
- D. Sporea, A. Stancalie, D. Negut, G. Pilorget, S. Delepine-Lesoille, L. Lablonde, "Comparative study of long period and fiber Bragg gratings under gamma irradiation", Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 233, pp. 295–301, 2015, doi: 10.1016/j.sna.2015.07.007,
- A. Stancalie, D. Sporea, P. Malinowski, M. Mieloszyk, S. Opoka, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz, "Influence of support conditions and temperature on the EMI characteristics,"J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 628 012112, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/628/1/012112,;jsessionid= 8DD187AFF7EF5B163158C8493C6D5D25.c5.
- P. Stajanca, D. Sporea, L. Mihai, D. Negut, M. Schukar, K. Krebber, "Gamma radiation induced effects on perfluorinated polymer optical fibers for sensing applications," In Perfluorinated Polymer Optical Fibers for Sensing Applications, pp. 95-103, POF Simulation beyond Data Transmission: Summary of the 3rd International POF Modelling Workshp 2015", C.-A. Bunge and R. Kruglov (Eds.), BoD - Books on Demand, Norderstedt, ISBN 978-3-7392-1499-3.
- B. Yan, Y. Luo, D. Sporea, L. Mihai, D. Negut, X. Sang, J. Wen, G. Xiao, G. Peng, "Gamma Radiation-Induced Formation of Bismuth Related Active Centre in Bi/Er/Yb Co-doped Fibre," in Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2015, C. Lu, J. Luo, Y. Ji, K. Kitayama, H. Tam, K. Xu, P. Ghiggino, N. Wada, eds., OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2015), paper ASu2A.56, doi:10.1364/ACPC.2015.ASu2A.56.
- R. Ranjan, F. Esposito, A. Iadicicco, A. Stancalie, D. Sporea, S. Campopiano, "Comparative study of long period gratings written in standard and fluorine-doped fibers by electric arc discharge', IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.16, Issue:11, pp. 4265 - 4273, 2016, .
- D. Sporea, A. Sporea (2016). Radiation Effects in Optical Materials and Photonic Devices, Radiation Effects in Materials, Dr. Waldemar Alfredo Monteiro (Ed.), pp. 37- 67, InTech.
- D. Sporea; A. Stӑncalie; D. Neguţ; S. Delepine-Lesoille, L. Lablonde, "Long period grating response to gamma radiation", Proc. SPIE 9886, Micro-Structured and Specialty Optical Fibres IV, 98861P (April 27, 2016), oi:10.1117/12.2230233;
- D. Sporea, L. Mihai, D. Neguţ, P. Stajanca, K. Krebber, "On-line monitoring of gamma irradiated perfluorinated polymer optical fiber", Proc. SPIE 9886, Micro-Structured and Specialty Optical Fibres IV, 98861Q (April 27, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2230688;
- P. Stajanca, L. Mihai, D. Sporea D. Negut, H. Sturm, M. Schukar, K. Krebber. "Effects of gamma radiation on perfluorinated polymer optical fibers", Optical Materials, vol. 58, pp. 226-233 (2016)
- P. Stajanca, L. Mihai, D. Sporea, D. Negut, K. Krebber. "Perfluorinated polymer optical fiber for gamma radiation monitoring." in Proc. Sixth European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors (EWOFS'2016), pp. 99160H-99160H. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2016)
- A. Wosniok, D. Sporea, D. Neguţ, K. Krebber. "Gamma radiation influence on silica optical fibers measured by optical backscatter reflectometry and Brillouin sensing technique." in Proc. Sixth European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors (EWOFS'2016), pp. 99162J-99162J. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2016)
- R. Ranjan, F. Esposito, A. Iadicicco, A. Stăncălie, D. Sporea, S. Campopiano, "Long period gratings written in fluorine-doped fibers by electric arc discharge technique." in Proc. Sixth European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors (EWOFS'2016), pp. 991622-991622. International Society for Optics and Photonics, (2016)
- D. Sporea, L. Mihai, D. Neguţ, Yanhua Luo, Binbin Yan, Mingjie Ding, Shuen Wei, Gang-Ding Peng "γ irradiation induced effects on bismuth active centres and related photoluminescence properties of Bi/Er co-doped optical fibres", Scientific Reports, 6, Article number: 29827 (2016), doi:10.1038/srep29827.
- B. Yan, Y. Luo, D. Sporea, L. Mihai, D. Neguţ, M. Ding, C. Wang, J. Wen, X. Sang, G.-D. Peng, "Enhanced gamma radiation effect in Bi/Er co-doped optical fibre by co-doping Yb", OSA Technical Digest (on-line), pp. AF2A-135, 2016,
- D. Sporea; A. Sporea; C. Oproiu, "Test of optical fibers under electron beam irradiation", Proc. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Materials for Science and Engineering (ICAMSE) doi: 10.1109/ICAMSE.2016.7840362.
- F. Esposito, R. Ranjan, A. Stăncălie, D. Sporea, D. Neguţ, N. Becherescu, S. Campopiano, A. Iadicicco. "Real-time analysis of arc-induced Long Period Gratings under gamma irradiation", Scientific Reports, vol. 7, Article number: 43389 (2017), doi:10.1038/srep43389.
- A. Stancalie, F. Esposito, R. Ranjan, P. Bleotu, S. Campopiano, A. Iadicicco, D. Sporea, "
Arc-induced Long Period Gratings in standard and speciality optical fbers under mixed neutron-gamma irradiation", Scientific Reports, vol. 7, Article number:
15845 (2017), doi:
- A. Stancalie, D. Sporea, D. Negut, F. Esposito, R. Ranjan,S. Campopiano, A. Iadicicco, "Long Period Gratings in unconventional fibers for possible use asradiation dosimeter in high-dose applications", Sensors and Actuators A, vol. 271, pp. 223–229, (2018),
- D. Fan, G. Xiao, E. Obbard, J. Davies, D. Spoarea, Y. Luo, G.-D. Peng, "Radiation-induced reversible thermal effect in
Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped silica fibers", Optics Letters, vol. 43, pp. 3385-3388 (2018),
Conference and workshop papers
- D. Sporea, A. Stancalie si C. Oproiu, "Evaluation of FBGs behavior under electron beam irradiation," ROMOPTO 2012 Conference, Bucharest, September 3 - 5, 2012.
- D. Sporea, A. Stancalie, C. Oproiu, M. Becker, M. Rothhardt , "ß irradiation of FBGs in radiation hardened optical fibers, preliminary results," COST Action TD1001 - “Novel and Reliable Optical Fibre Sensor Systems for Future Security and Safety Applications (OFSeSa)” meeting, Madeira, Portugal, September 6 - 7, 2012,
- D. McCarthy, S. O'Keeffe, E. Lewis, P. Woulfe, J. Cronin, D. Sporea, A. Sporea, I. Tiseanu, "Optical fibre radiation dosimeter for radiotherapy applications," IEEE SENSORS 2012 Conference, Taipei, October 28-31, 2012.
- L. Mihai, D. Sporea, I. Tiseanu, D. McCarthy, S. O’Keeffe, E. Lewis, "Extrinsec optical fiber Sensors characterization
for radiation monitoring," COST TD1001 Female researcher's night, Padova, Italy, April 7, 2013
- D. Sporea, "Optical fibers in radiation sensing," International Conference Modern Laser Appilcations, Third Edition - INDLAS, Bran, Romania, May 20-24, 2013.
- A.Stancalie and D.Sporea, "Investigation of FBGs temperature responsivity," International Conference Modern Laser Appilcations, Third Edition - INDLAS, Bran, Romania, May 20-24, 2013 - poster awarded with "Best Poster Award - the Third Place" de catre SPIE Student Chapter
- I. Vâta, D. Sporea, L. Mihai, D. McCarthy, S. O'Keeffe, E. Lewis,
"Evaluation of an optical fiber sensor response under X-ray exposure," Conferinta Facultatii de Fizica - Universitatea Bucuresti, June 21, 2013
- A. Stancalie, D. Sporea, D. Negut, S. Delepine-Lesoille, G. Pilorget, "Investigation of long period gratings behavior under gamma ray irradiation," The 7th International Summer School New Frontiers in Optical Technologies, Tampere, Finland, August 5-9, 2013.
- L. Mihai, D. Sporea, I. Vata, D. McCarthy, S. O'Keeffe, E. Lewis, "Sensitivity studies of Gd2O2S: Tb optical fiber sensor exposed to X- ray radiation," The 7th International Summer School New Frontiers in Optical Technologies, Tampere, Finland, August 5-9, 2013.
- S. O'Keeffe, D. McCarthy, E. Lewis, P. Woulfe, J. Cronin, M. Grattan, A. Hounsell, D. Sporea, L. Mihai, I. Vâta, COST Action TD1001 - Novel and Reliable Optical Fibre Sensor Systems for Future Security and Safety Applications (OFSeSa), 5th meeting, Ghent, Belgia, October 8-9, 2013.
- D. Sporea, A. Sporea, L. Mihai, A. Stancalie, C. Oproiu, I. Vâta, "Radiation monitoring and dosimetry with optical fiber based sensors –a review," The International Workshop: CETAL - First workshop on experimental proposals, Bucharest, November 19-20, 2013.
- D. Sporea, A. Stancalie, N. Becherescu, M. Becker, M. Rothhardt, "An electron beam profile instrument based on FBGs," The Third Mediterranean Photonics Conference, Trani, Italia, 7-9 mai 2014,
- D. Sporea, A. Stancalie, D. Negut, G. Pilorget, S. Delepine-Lesoille, L. Lablonde, "On-line tests of an optical fiber long-period grating subjected to gamma irradiation," The Third Mediterranean Photonics Conference, Trani, Italia, 7-9 mai 2014,
- L. Mihai, A. Sporea, D.Sporea, M.Iovea, B.Stefanescu, I.Porosnicu, "Investigations on the use of UV optical fibers for X-ray dosimetry," COST SYRA3 First Training School Radiation Therapy with Synchrotron Radiation, ESRF Grenoble, 18 - 21 mai, 2014.
- D. Sporea, "Optical fiber sensors for radiation monitoring," Invited talk, The 20th IMEKO TC-4 International Symposium on Research on Electrical and Electronic Measurement for the Economic Upturn, Benevento, Itally, September 15-17, 2014.
- D. Sporea, "Optical fiber sensors in radiation environments," Final technical meeting COST Action TD1001, Toulouse, France, October 1, 2014.
- A. Stancalie, D. Sporea, P. Malinowski, M. Mieloszyk, S. Opoka, T. Wandowski, W. Ostachowicz,
"Contribution to the analysis of the stress / strain influence
on electromechanical impedance measurement using
FBG sensors," Final technical meeting COST Action TD1001, Toulouse, France, October 1, 2014.
- S. O’Keeffe, D. McCarthy, E Lewis, D. Sporea, M. Grattan, A. Hounsell, P. Wolfe, J. Cronin, A.P. Shantanam, N. Agazaryan,W. Sun, T. He, W. Zhao, "Optical fiber luminescence sensor for real-time radiotherapy dosimetry," Final technical meeting COST Action TD1001, Toulouse, France, 1 octombrie 2014.
- D. Sporea, "Optical fiber based dosimetry of ionizing radiation," The TRIPOD project meeting, Madrid, Spain, 4 februarie 2015.
- D. Sporea, L. Mihai, A. Sporea, A. Lixandru, E. Bräuer-Krisch, "Optical and THz spectroscopy of synchrotron irradiated optical fibers," SYRA3 COST Action TD1205
Innovative Methods in Radiotherapy and Radiosurgery using Synchrotron Radiation meeting, Athen, Greece, March 18-20, 2015.
- A Stancalie, D Sporea, P Malinowski, M Mieloszyk, S Opoka, T Wandowski, W Ostachowicz, "Influence of support conditions and temperature on the EMI characteristics." The 11 th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures - DAMAS 2015, Ghent University, Belgium, August 24-26, 2015.
- D. Sporea, "Ionizing radiation dosimetry with optical fibers ", invited talk, The 3 rd International Conference on Lasers, Optics and Photonics, Valencia, Spain, September 01-03, 2015.
- D. Sporea, A. Sporea, L. Mihai, A. Stancalie, "Optical fibers behaviour under ionizing radiations", invited talk, The 11 th International Conference Micro- to Nano-Photonics IV- ROMOPTO 2015, Buharest, September 1 - 4, 2015.
- A. Stancalie, L. Mihai, D. Sporea, "Comparative assessment of equipment for optical fiber sensors interrogation," The 11 th International Conference Micro- to Nano-Photonics IV- ROMOPTO 2015, Bucharest, September 1 - 4, 2015.
- D. Sporea, L. Mihai, D. Negut, Yanhua Luo, Binbin Yan, Mingjie Ding, Gang-Ding Peng, "Effects of gamma rays on rare Bi/Er co-doped optical fibers," The 11 th International Conference Micro- to Nano-Photonics IV- ROMOPTO 2015, Bucharest, September 1 - 4, 2015.
- P. Stajanca, D. Sporea, L. Mihai, D. Negut, K. Krebber, "Gamma radiation induced effects on perfluorinated polymer optical fibers for sensing applications," The 3rd International POF Modeling Workshop, September 21, 2015, Nuremberg, Germany.
- Binbin Yan, Yanhua Luo, D. Sporea, L. Mihai, D. Negut, Jianxiang Wen, Gui Xiao, Gang-Ding Peng, "Gamma radiation-induced formation of bismuth related active centre in Bi/Er/Yb co-doped fibre," Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), Hong Kong, November 19-23, 2015. The presentation received Optical Society of America "Best poster award ACP2015".
- D. Sporea, "Radiation effects in optical fibers for terrestrial and spaceborne applications," COST Action MP1401: Advanced fibre laser and coherent source as tools for society, manufacturing and lifescience ,12-13 October 2015, Dresden , Germany .
- A. Stancalie, D. Sporea, D. Negut , S. Delepine-Lesoille, L. Lablonde, "Long period grating response to gamma radiation", paper EPE104-53,.International conference SPIE Photonics Europe, April 3 - 7, 2016, Brussels, Belgium.
- D. Sporea, L. Mihai, D. Negut, P. Stajanca, K. Krebber, "On-line monitoring of gamma irradiated perfluorinated polymer optical fiber", paper EPE104-58, International conference SPIE Photonics Europe, April 3 - 7, 2016, Brussels, Belgium.
- R. Ranjan, F. Esposito, A. Iadicicco, A. Stancalie, D. Sporea, S. Campopiano, "Long period gratings written in fluorine-doped fibers by electric arc discharge",International conference European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, 31 mai - 3 iunie, 2016, Limerick, Ireland.
- P. Stajanca, L. Mihai, D. Sporea, D. Negut, K. Krebber, "Perfluorinated polymer optical fiber for gamma radiation monitoring", International conference European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, 31 mai - 3 iunie, 2016, Limerick, Ireland.
- A. Wosniok, D. Sporea, D. Neguţ, K. Krebber, "Gamma radiation influence on silica optical fibers measured by optical backscatter reflectometry and Brillouin sensing technique", International conference European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, 31 mai - 3 iunie, 2016, Limerick, Ireland.
- F Esposito, R. Ranjan, A. Iadicicco, A. Stancalie, D. Sporea, S. Campopiano, "Arc-induced long period gratings in fluorine-doped optical fibers." FOTONICA 2016 AEIT,June 6-8 2016, Rome, Italy.
- D. Sporea, A. Stancalie, L. Ionascu, M. Nicu, "Fiber optical monitoring of concrete blocks for radioactive waste management", Sesiunea stiintifica anuala a Facultatii de Fizica, June 17, 2016, Bucharest, Romania.
- A..Stancalie, D..Sporea, D.Negut, R. Ranjan, F. Esposito, A. Iadiciccoa, S. Campopianoa, "Gamma radiation effects on electric arc discharge produced long period gratings", Sesiunea stiintifica anuala a Facultatii de Fizica, Bucharest, June17, 2016.
- D. Sporea, A. Sporea, C. Oproiu, "Test of optical fibers under electron beam irradiation ", 2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Materials for Science and Engineering (ICAMSE 2016), November 12 - 13, 2016, Tainan, Taiwan.
- B. Yan, Y. Luo, D. Sporea, L. Mihai, D. Neguţ, M. Ding, C. Wang, J. Wen, X. Sang, G.-D. Peng, "Enhanced gamma radiation effect in Bi/Er co-doped optical fibre by co-doping Yb", Asia Communications and Photonics Conferene (ACP),
OSA Wuhan, November 2-5, 2016.
- D. Sporea, A. Stancalie, L. Mihai, A. Sporea, "Photonic materials and devices in ionizing radiation environments ", 2018 International Workshop on Photonic Fibres and Applications, May 5-7, 2018, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China.
- D. Sporea, L. Mihai, A. Stancălie, A. Sporea, Ionizing radiation effects in optical materials, COST Action TD1401 - FAST WG2 Meeting, 14 June, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic.
- F. Esposito, A. Stancalie, R. Ranjan, D. Negut, S.
Campopiano, D. Sporea, A. Iadicicco, "Gamma radiation effects on Long Period Gratings and
transmitted power in different optical fibers: towards dosimetry
applications", 2018 Optical Fiber Sensors Conference, September 24 - 28, 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- R. Pérez-Herrera, A. Stancalie, P. Cabezudo, D. Sporea, D. Negut,
M. Lopez-Amo, "Gamma radiation measurements using an optical fiber laser", 2018 Optical Fiber Sensors Conference, September 24 - 28, 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Y. Luo, G. Xiao, Q. Zhao, A. Stancălie, D. Ighigeanu, D. Neguţ, D. Sporea, B. Yan,
J. He, J. Wen6, G-D. Peng, "Ionising radiation induced effects on bismuth/erbium co-doped optical fibres", Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2018), October 26-29, 2018, Hangzhou, China.
Patent applications
- Romanian patent RO129959-A2/ December 30, 2014 - Dozimetru cu fibra optica. Autori: Dan Sporea, Adelina Sporea si Laura Mihai
- Romanian patent RO130135-A2/ March 30, 2015 - Metoda si aparat pentru detectia fasciculelor de particule incarcate si masurare a dozei. Autori: Dan Sporea, Laura Mihai, Adelina Sporea, Ion Vata, Ion Rusen.
- Patent application A/00452/ 17.06.2014 - Metoda si echipament pentru monitorizarea distribuita a unui camp de radiatie ionizanta. Autori: Dan Sporea, Andrei Stancalie, Adelina Sporea
Useful links:
Contact details of the project Director: Dr. Dan SPOREA, e-mail:, mobil: 0040745 75 95 45